Monday, May 30, 2011

Formal Presentation Report

I was asked to conduct a presentation related to our major which is Chemical Engineer. I select the title that I had familiars with and I worked it with the subject. Our group which is called Falcon group. They decided to choose the title of the presentation. I was thinking for two titles which were sulfur(S) or Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S). Because I worked in the oil company, I know much information about. The teacher asks as to write about pollution that will be good for H2S which Hydrogen Sulfide. Also, all my friends in the group worked in the oil company, that the title of our presentation.
Already, I had already conducted presentation before, so I had some experience of how to prepare it and organize the slides. I learn many important areas from other group mistakes. I decided with my group that our presentation will be the best because we learned a lot from the last presentation. It is help me very much too how used the information and arrange in the slides and how to chose the picture that related with the point in the slide. The main thing I learn from this presentation who to stand and talk in front of the camera. I gave to talk confident and move me had. Also, I have to talk loudly and must be the information is easy to understand for arrange lists.
There was a big different from my last presentation and past. Especially, in the delivery. Also I noticed improvement in my grammar and performance. I improved my computer skill because I learned many skills like sounds, animation and the movement of the slide. I remember I took one week to prepare the past presentation but for the last presentation. I took two days. In this presentation, I did more animation and organized the ideas different way of the past presentation.

(313 words)

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